ChatGPT: Friend or Foe? Navigating the AI Job Market


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making waves in various industries, with the emergence of advanced AI technologies like generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) transforming the business world. With billions of dollars invested in their development, the rise of GPT models has led to concerns about AI taking human jobs. In this blog post, we'll explore the implications of AI advancements, such as ChatGPT, on the job market and address key aspects such as AI Temperature and Prompt Engineering.

The Evolution of GPT ModelsOpenAI's GPT models have come a long way, from the base model code-DaVinci-002 to the InstructGPT model based on it, known as text-DaVinci-002. The development of text-DaVinci-03 further improved upon its predecessor, leading to the creation of the ChatGPT 3 (or 3.5) model with 175 billion parameters. This progress culminated in the groundbreaking ChatGPT 4, boasting 170 trillion parameters.

Investments and Operational Costs

With Microsoft investing $10 billion in the development of ChatGPT, it's no wonder that AI has become a transformative force in the business world. The operational cost of ChatGPT is significant, amounting to $100,000 per day as it runs on Microsoft's Azure platform. Despite these investments, OpenAI expects its revenue to increase to $1 billion, illustrating the potential of AI-driven services and products.

AI Temperature and Results Correctness

AI Temperature is a crucial aspect of AI models, as it determines the randomness or creativity of AI-generated content. A higher temperature setting results in more diverse and creative outputs, while a lower setting generates more focused and conservative responses. However, even with advancements in AI, ChatGPT models only achieve an 85% correctness rate, indicating that while AI can provide valuable insights, it should not be considered an infallible solution.

AI's Impact on the Job Market

The growing capabilities of AI models like ChatGPT have raised concerns about the potential displacement of human jobs. However, AI's impact on the job market is not purely negative. While it is true that some jobs will become automated, the rise of AI also creates new opportunities in industries such as data analysis, AI ethics, and AI model engineering.

The Importance of Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering plays a significant role in AI development, as it involves crafting specific instructions to guide AI models in generating desired outputs. As AI models become more advanced, the demand for skilled prompt engineers will grow, offering new career paths for individuals in the AI industry.

Sites such as already offer training in prompt engineering.


The development of AI models like ChatGPT undoubtedly raises questions about their impact on the job market. However, by viewing AI as a tool to complement human skills rather than replace them, we can navigate the evolving job market and embrace AI's opportunities. As AI continues to transform the business world, a balance between AI and human input will be essential in harnessing the full potential of this technology.

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Christo Erasmus